Sunday, May 31, 2015

Pembantu tadbir pulak

I've change my career again from a teacher to a clerk... Sangat seronok sebenarnya. Very much actually. Gaji on time. Depan rumah. Pegi keja jalan kaki. It's very cool and yet sampai Aku rasa why not I just live like this forever? Find a good guy.. Bla bla bla... But, jauh disudut dasar hati yang paling dalam, I know... There's so much more I can do for the whole world. There's more I have to find, to reach.. And this so called comfort zone won't last. And I totally don't want to live my life and say the 'I wish...' .....

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Teaching as a teacher

Today is the first day masuk kelas mengajar. Its totally a different feeling with different environment with different'customer'? Well, mengajar budak2 especially darjah 5 memang lain sangat. Perasaan memanusiakan orang ni memang berbezalah.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Emotional month


Bulan ni penuh perasaan. Naruto habis, aku konvo and tambah dengan aku berhenti keja.. again. If aku tak tanya pagi tadi, I might be suprised bila esok mereka berkata, ok arfa... after this you don't have to come anymore. It is sooo ironic when you tell other stop giving other people negative vibration when you yourself giving others the exact same thing.. duhhh... walk the talk please! I adore you very much. You teach me what others don't. a bit of life experience that so very hard to live unless you feel it by yourself. No wonder its a very gloomy jumaat. And i wonder why i'm so happy on my own this morning! Hahaha

You can't be sad if you not allowed it to enter your body.. and mind of course. You have the power to choose... (walaupun best jugak if kita ada super power lain.. haha) So, live the life. Stay cool... They are faking it by the way.. oh ye, me too.. haha..

p/s: I love my family

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Senyum tak perlu kata apa-apa~

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Di persimpangan

Kuharapkan panas hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengah hari. aku hantar resign letter. Fin~

p/s: senget corazon nih...  

Monday, September 29, 2014

going merry

apa yang penting adalah kenangan yang indah... dah banyak kali baca pun menitik lagi ayaq mata nih bila merry terbelah dua... wuwuwu... :')

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Teruskan tersenyum walaupun melalui hari yang duka, kerana jika kita terus berduka kita mungkin tak sedar kita terlepas waktu untuk tersenyum~